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the stars in the sky don’t mean
天空中的星星并不意味着  detail>>
stars in the sky
天空的星星 天空里的繁星 天空中的繁星 天上的繁星 天上的星 天上繁星 望着星空 星星挂在天上 星星在天空中 ...  detail>>
stars on the sky
天上星  detail>>
and the stars in the sky told me
天上的星星告诉我  detail>>
pain the sky with stars
星空彩绘  detail>>
paint the sky with stars
为夜空绘出繁星 星空彩绘 用星星油漆天空  detail>>
stars glittering in the frosty sky
寒空中闪烁的星星  detail>>
the sky above the stars
繁星之上的天空  detail>>
the sky is spangled with stars
天空群星闪烁 天空闪烁着星星  detail>>
there are innumerable stars in the sky
天空中有无数颗星  detail>>
there are many stars in the sky
天上有很多星星  detail>>
there are meny stars in the sky
天上有很多星星  detail>>
watch the stars in the sky at night
在晚上观看天上的星星  detail>>
with the stars uin the sky
的星空下  detail>>
stars we don’t want to reach
不想触及的星辰  detail>>
a sky full of bright, twinkling stars
满天里亮晶晶的星星  detail>>
has twice as many stars in the sky
天空中星星数量整整多了一倍 有著比天上多两倍的星星  detail>>
stars faded out from the sky
星星渐渐地从天空中消失了  detail>>